Thursday, May 28, 2009

RL and Kate

I had the great pleasure of being involved with R.L. and Kate's wedding at the Lakeside Inn in Mount Dora, FL recently and what a powerful and meaningful event it was. Kate possess a natural beauty that is unmistakable. As we all know, it's not uncommon for brides to be a liitle nervous on their wedding day, but I've got to say that I was amazed at how relaxed she was.

R.L is the brother of Amber who's wedding I did about 10 years ago in Winter Park. He is an individual that after spending time with him and his groomsmen, I kind of was in awe of. You see, R.L is a former Navy Seal as were most of his groomsmen and they are still being deployed back to Iraq in some fashion or another. Hearing their stories were amazing. Too often, we in the civilian world, sometimes forget about the concepts of duty, honor and freedom and after being around R.L. and his buddies - I realized what a huge sacrifice these people and their families are making for us. My hat is off to them in a very big way.

Thanks R.L and Kate.